Recruiting Interns

Ventura College students are motivated to become trainees at your organization and to collaborate with your professional staff!   

An internship program can be a cost-effective method to increase your visibility on campus and for identifying potential candidates for future, full-time hires. Interns become goodwill ambassadors for your future intern pipeline and help support your organization’s goals.

Ventura College Support for Internship Providers

We can help you design an effective recruitment plan and offer on-campus and virtual recruitment tools for you to participate with, based on your needs. We will:

•Provide free access to our job posting board. Sign-up and post an opportunity on our job board
•Offer opportunities for your organization to participate in Career Fairs, host information sessions, or take part in supplementary on-campus events
•Help you collaborate with Career Education programs that offer students academic credit opportunities related to their unpaid or paid internship experience with your organization