VC Objective 6:  Increase opportunities for faculty and staff to grow by providing training opportunities to improve teaching effectiveness and enhance service for students (focus of Title V HSI Co-operative Grant)

VC Strategic Goal 4:  Continuously enhance institutional operations and effectiveness

VCCCD Board Goal 2:  Maintain Instructional Quality within Budgetary Limits 

# Action Steps Responsible Party Timeline Progress
6.1 Meet with all stakeholders at both VC and OC to establish 3rd annual summer institute draft proposal and develop a Task Force from both campuses Project Director October and November 2012 Completed/third year summer institute successfully completed May 30, 2013
6.2 Create Advertisement and application for SITE III Activity Director, Graphic Artists November 2012                Completed
6.3 Advertise for participants to attend training Projejct Director, Activity Director November 2012 – April 2013 Completed
6.4  Use the survey completed by VC full-time and part-time faculty and classified staff knowledge, skills and interest for professional development training and participation to develop professional development activities for academic year 2012/2013 Activity Director and Instructional Design Specialist and Professional Development committee September 2012 and December 2012 Completed - Trainings offered.
6.5  Develop amended curriculum for faculty summer institute Activity Director, Instructional Design Specialists VC and OC January - April 2013 Completed
6.6  Gather and compile results on reports on all pilot testing projects conducted in Fall 2012 Activity Director, Instructional Design
Specialist, Institutional Researcher
January 2013 Completed
6.7  Coordinate workshops from instructional experts open to all summer institute participants Activity Director, Instructional Design
September – December 2012, January – April 2013 Completed
6.8  Recruit and select summer institute cohorts at VC, OC, and MC Activity Director, Instructional Design
January - May 2013 Completed
6.9  Organize professional development trainings for 2012-2013 academic year Activity Director, Instructional Design
Specialist, Professional Development Committee
September 2012 and December 2012 Completed
6.10  Report to greater community of faculty at both VC and OC the results of pilot testing of ideas, and successes and failures if any of one on one and small group DE support Project Director, Activity Director,
Instructional Design Specialist
Fall 2013 Due in Fall 2013
6.11  Implement and deliver summer institute II Project Director, Activity Director,
Instructional Design Specialist
May 2013 Completed May 30, 2013
6.12  Identify faculty from summer institute and othertrainings to pilot new ideas, identify and capture base line data for research specific to pilot groups Activity Director, Instructional Design
Specialist, plus faculty involved in pilot testing
May 2013 Completed May 30, 2013 
6.13  Organize professional development trainings for 2012-2013 academic year Activity Director, Instructional Design
Specialist, Task Force, Professional Development Committee
September 2012 - April 2013 Completed
6.14  Create Flex week activities brochure and distribute to all faculty at Ventura College Activity Director, Professional Development
Develop and distribute by March 2013 Completed
6.15  Identify faculty from summer institute and other trainings to pilot new ideas, identify and capture base line data for research specific to pilot groups Activity Director, Instructional Design Specialist, plus faculty involved in
pilot testing
Fall 2013 Upcoming