Did you know that you can enroll in transfer-level English and Math classes right now?

Placement tests are no longer required for English and Math. You can start completing your degree and transfer requirements today.

You Can Get Into The Transfer-level Classes You Need To Graduate Right Now

We are ready to provide you with all the support you need to succeed in the required English and Math classes. You can do it!

Research shows that California students are better prepared than placement tests suggested.  In fact, a student’s high school performance is a much stronger predictor of success than a single test score. 

In October 2017, the California legislature unanimously passed Assembly Bill 705 not only to eliminate English and Math placement tests but also to ensure you have the right to enter and complete transfer-level classes within your first year in college.  

Studies show that students are far more likely to pass transfer-level English and Math classes when they start in these classes instead of taking optional basic skills classes first. Finishing English and Math requirements in your first two semesters gives you the best chance to stay in college and graduate with a degree. At Ventura College, we stand ready to provide all the support you need to succeed.

Questions for a Counselor?

If you have any questions about which classes to take, please schedule a group or individual counseling appointment by calling (805) 289-6448 or visiting the Student Services Center (SSC) Information Desk. You may email your questions to vc_e-counseling@vcccd.edu.