SLOs and SUOs

Student learning is central to VC's mission. Learning is not restricted to interactions between students and instructors in a classroom. Rather, the entire campus works together to support student learning in all of our courses, programs, and services.

VC strives to create a culture where outcomes assessment continually improves the quality of student learning and institutional effectiveness.

Outcomes exist at multiple levels:

  • Course Student Learning Outcomes (CSLOs) - the knowledge, skills, and/or abilities that a student should have after completing a course.
  • Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) - the knowledge, skills, and/or abilities that a student should have after completing a specific degree or certificate.
  • Institutional/General Education Student Learning Outcome (ISLOs) - knowledge, skills, and/or abilities that every student should have who leaves VC with a degree, certificate, or vocational training.
  • Service Unit Outcome (SUO) - what a client (student or employee) will experience, receive, or know as a result of a given service.
  • Institutional Service Unit Outcome (ISUO) - broad service support goals that are shared across campus.

Please use the links on the right side of the page to find the outcomes for your course or service, change/update your outcomes, submit assessment results, or find resources on best practices in equitable assessment.