VC Strategic Goal 1: Continuously improve educational programs and services to meet student, community, and workforce development needs.

VC Objective 1: Continuously assess Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for all courses and programs.

VCCCD Board Goal 1: Access and Student Success

 VC Accreditation Recommendation: As noted in 2004, in order to fully meet this Standard the team recommends that the college accelerate its efforts to identify measurable student learning outcomes for every course, instructional program, and student support programs. In conjunction with this effort the college should assess all learning outcomes and incorporate analysis of student learning assessments into course and program improvements. (Accreditation Standard II.B.1-7, II.A.1.c, II.A.2.a-b, II.A.2.e-f, II.B.4, II.C.2) 

 #  Action Steps  Responsible Party  Timeline  Progresss
1.1 Apply SLO assessment results from prior semester to improve programs and document those improvements Department Chairs, Supervisors, Deans, Faculty August -December, 2011 Completed/In process
1.2 Assess SLOs at course levels and SUOs at program levels and document assessment process and results Department Chairs, SLO facilitators, Deans, SLO Committee August – December, 2011 Completed
1.3 Attend WASC Conference Dean, Institutional Effectiveness, SLO Facilitator September, 2011 Completed
1.4 Use SLO assessment results in the revised Program Review process, documenting any need for resources associated with plans for improvements. Deans, Department Chairs, Supervisors, Program Review Facilitators

October, 2011

1.5 Review results of SLO course and SUO assessments and work with faculty/staff to improve (to be done after program review) Department Chairs, SLO facilitators, Deans, SLO Committee October, 2011-February, 2012  Completed
1.6 Review and select software for SLO/SUO management VP Business Services, Dean, Institutional Effectiveness, Dean, Math/Science, Supervisor, LRC, SLO Committee Spring, 2012


1.7 Review results of SLO course and SUO assessments and work with faculty/staff to improve Department Chairs, SLO facilitators, Deans, SLO Committee Spring, 2012 In process
 1.8 Apply SLO assessment results from prior semester to improve programs and document those improvements Department Chairs, Supervisors, Deans, Faculty January-May, 2012 In process
 1.9 Review and assess SLO assessment process; modify as necessary SLO Committee February, 2012 Completed
 1.10 Establish multi-year assessment plan that paces assessment of course, program, and institutional level SLO assessments. SLO Committee, Academic Senate, SLO Facilitators, Faculty, Staff, Deans February - July, 2012  In process
 1.11 Formatively assess SLOs at course levels and SUOs at program levels and document assessment process and results Department Chairs and Coordinators, Faculty, Staff, Deans February - April, 2012 Completed
 1.12 Review and revise institutional level SLOs SLO Committee, Academic Senate February - March, 2012 Completed
 1.13 Programs are trained on how to align course, program, and institutional level SLOs Dean, Institutional Effectiveness, SLO Committee March – May, 2012 Completed
 1.14 Develop a model to assess program-level SLOs SLO Committee, Academic Senate February – March, 2012 Completed
 1.15 Develop a model to assess institutional-level SLOs SLO Committee, Academic Senate March– April, 2012 Completed
 1.16 Review results of formative SLO course and SUO assessments Department Chairs, SLO facilitators, Deans, SLO Committee May - July, 2012  Pending
 1.17 Survey faculty and staff on SLO process

Dean, Institutional Effectiveness, SLO Committee

May, 2012 Completed
 1.18 File bi-annual SLO report Dean, Institutional Effectiveness June, 2012  Pending
1.19 Review SLOs to be loaded into TracDat (SLO software program) Dean, Institutional Effectiveness, SLO Committee, SLO Facilitator, Department Chairs Spring, 2012 Pending
1.20 Load SLO data into TracDat Dean, Institutional Effectiveness Summer, 2012 Pending