The purpose of the CCC Online Course Exchange is to provide access for students to classes that may not be available when they need them at their home (primary) college.  Because the goal of this additional access is to help students complete their educational goals in a timely manner, it is not expected to have students access all of their courses via the Exchange.  Instead, students access the Exchange after they have successfully registered for their classes within their home college registration system. Students, do you need an Additional Class this term?


Are you having trouble finding the courses you need when you need them?

Are you having trouble enrolling in that one necessary prerequisite class semester after semester?

Would completing that one required class help you to speed up your ability to graduate or transfer?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you might want to check out opportunities to enroll in online courses across the California Community College system via the California Community College OEI Course Exchange.

Technical Note: Currently these registration links will only work in Google Chrome.