If you have never been trained, contact Olivia Long.

You may also wish to read the CurricUNET FAQ.

Log On:

How to Update, Revise, or Delete a Course:

  • Log on (how?).
  • Go to "Build" — "Courses" — "Course Update/Revision/Delete".
  • In the Course Search Box, find your course.
    • You can either click ALL, or enter the course discipline and either title or course number, and click "OK". Note: Do not type "V" in front of the course number. It is often helpful to print a paper copy of the course before starting to make modifications; click the
       icon next to the version of the course that is marked "*Active*", then print the course using the PDF software's printer icon. Pressing the key combination "CTRL+P" often activates printing as well.
  • Make an electronic copy of your course to work with. (Be very careful to copy only the red (most recent) version of your course, not a blue (archive) version. If you also see a black version of your course, then STOP; either you or another member of your department is already modifying the course. Check with Olivia Long for further information before proceeding.)
    • Click on the
       icon that looks like two written pages together. Only click the icon that is adjacent to the red version of your course.
  • On the next screen, indicate what you are doing—"Revision", "Deletion", or "Update".
    • See this FAQ if you are not sure whether your modification is an update or a revision. See this FAQ if you accidentally choose an incorrect option at this step.
  • On the next screen, explain your rationale for working on this course.
    • For example, it might be "course review" or "change description" or "update per new State requirements." 
  • To continue, please go to the Course Construction Main Menu.

How To Create a New Course:

  • Log on (how?).
  • Go to "Build" — "Courses" — "Create Course".
  • Fill in the basics of your course on the "Create New Course" page and click "OK".
  • To continue, please go to the Course Construction Main Menu.

Course Construction Main Menu:

  • Go to the "Course Checklist" on the right side of the screen.
    • Here is where you will work on your course.
  • Click on each checkbox item and complete as directed.
    • You may work through the checklist sequentially, or you may skip around if needed. The CurricUNET system requires you to review all of the checkbox sections, even if you are planning to change just one section; see this FAQ for details. Click "Save" often. When you are done on each screen, click "Save" again, then "Finish" (this places a check in the check box next to this item on the main menu). If you later discover an error, you can still edit a section after clicking "Finish" until you submit the course. Contact Olivia Long if you have questions regarding how to complete specific items in the checklist.
  • When you complete all the checkboxes up to and including the "Representative Texts/Instructional/Materials" section, your course will be ready to "Submit". This button will automatically appear on the left side of your course's main page at the appropriate time.
    • Note: After you click this button, you cannot launch your course until the 7-working-day approval and review process completes.
  • After you submit the course, you will be directed to go to My Approvals and take action on the course. Choose "pre-launch".
    • The faculty, department chair, and division dean have 7 working days to look at your course. The 7 days must elapse even if everyone reviews and approves your course immediately, so allow time in your course development schedule for this built-in delay. (This is the step that must be completed by October 1 for the new course, update, or revision to be included in next year's catalog.)
  • After both (1) the 7-day pre-launch review and approval period has elapsed, and (2) your department chair has approved the course, you will be notified to "launch" at My Approvals.
    • But first you should review the comments you received on your course from your colleagues, making corrections as appropriate. The department chair will take action again (but should first verify that the department's suggestions have been incorporated into the outline), and then your course is on its way.

How To Review a Course:

  • You will receive an email indicating your review role (e.g., initiator, faculty member, department chair) and asking you to review a course.
  • Log on (how?).
  • Go to "Track" — "My Approvals".
  • Use the "Select Role" dropdown menu to locate the review role indicated in the email, and click "Next" on the CurricUNET web page.
  • Review the course.
    • View and/or print the outline. To see the outline, click on one of the icons depicted (click the desired icon(s) that appear on the actual CurricUNET web page, not the replica images below):
      • WR:  Shows standard course outline (the version we send out in response to requests from universities) as a PDF image (printer friendly).
      • CC:  Shows standard course outline as an HTML file, with proposed changes indicated in legislative format.
      • AF:  Shows comprehensive course outline as an HTML file, as well as all completed forms (e.g., DE, fees).
      • AFC:  Shows comprehensive course outline as an HTML file, as well as all completed forms, with proposed changes indicated in legislative format.
      • C!:  Shows comments and actions taken (e.g., reviews and approvals) on this proposal.
  • When you have completed your review, click "Action" on the CurricUNET web page.
  • Take action on the course: DON'T SKIP THIS STEP!
    • On the Approval Process page, enter any comments, select an action from the "Action" menu (often your only choice will be either Review or Approve), and click "Save". Remember that everyone in the process can view your comments, and that your comments are permanent.